This is a time of unremitting war, civil strife, violence and famine. A time of orphan children and wanton slaughter. For warriors these are good times! Since the discovery of wyrdstone Mordheim has become a magnet for fighting men from all over the Empire. Nobles, merchants, and the Temple of Sigmar itself offer rich rewards for shards of the mysterious stone.

Starting a Mercenary Warband


Special Rules

Unique Traits

<aside> <img src="/icons/skull_gray.svg" alt="/icons/skull_gray.svg" width="40px" /> [Trait] Commanding Presence: Friendly fighters within 6” of this fighter may use this fighter’s Bravery characteristic when making bravery checks.


Warband Abilities

Warband Abilities
All [Reaction] Fight Dirty: A fighter can make this reaction when targeted by a melee attack action, but before hit rolls are made. Reduce the Attacks characteristic of the attacking fighter by 1 (to a minimum of 1).
All [Double] Shield Wall: A fighter can only use this ability if they are equipped with a shield. Until the end of the battle round, this fighter counts as an obstacle for the sake of cover.
All [Double] For a Fistful of Gelt: A fighter can only use this ability if they are within 3" of an objective. Until the end of this fighter’s activation, this fighter may add 1 to any hit rolls when making attack actions and ignore any Panic checks it is required to take.
Champion [Triple] Martial Exemplar: A fighter can only use this ability if an enemy fighter has been taken out of action by an attack action made by them this activation. Until the end of the battle round, add 1 to the Attacks characteristic of melee attack actions made by visible friendly fighters while they are within 6" of this fighter.
Leader [Triple] Rallying Call: Remove damage points equal to half the value of this ability (rounding up) allocated to each friendly fighter within 6" of this fighter.
Leader [Quad] Coordinated Assault: Pick a number of visible friendly fighters equal to half the value of this ability (rounding up) within 6" of this fighter. Those fighters can each make a bonus move action or a bonus attack action (some can make a bonus move action and others can make a bonus attack action).



