This section introduces interactions fighters can have with terrain features, and also describes the different types of terrain features. It is important to note that a terrain feature can be made up of multiple types of terrain as detailed in this section. For example, in the case of a ruined house, its walls would be obstacles, the upper floors would be platforms, it might have a door built into it, and any debris around it would be low terrain.


The most common type of terrain is an obstacle. An obstacle is any part of a terrain feature that prevents a fighter from moving horizontally and that extends vertically 1" or more from the battlefield floor or the platform upon which it is placed. A wall is an example of an obstacle.

Low terrain

Any part of a terrain feature that extends vertically less than 1" from the battlefield floor or the platform upon which it is placed is known as low terrain. When a fighter moves normally, they can move without penalty over low terrain. This means that any vertical distance moved while moving over such a part of a terrain feature does not count against the total number of inches fighters can move in that move action. In addition, low terrain is treated as part of the battlefield floor or the platform upon which it is placed.


Another common type of terrain feature is a platform. A platform is a horizontally flat surface on a terrain feature with a surface area larger than 1" by 1".

<aside> <img src="/icons/skull_gray.svg" alt="/icons/skull_gray.svg" width="40px" /> Falling Off Platform When a fighter within ½" of the edge of a platform that is not enclosed by an obstacle (such as a wall) takes damage from an attack action, their controlling player must take a Move check for them after the attack action has been resolved. If the Move check fails, the fighter falls (see falling).


Stairs and ladders

Stairs and ladders are treated as obstacles, with the following exceptions:

Archways and doors

A terrain feature may have archways or doors. As part of a move action, if a fighter comes into contact with an archway or a door, that fighter can move normally through it even if the model or its base is too large to physically fit through (or it is blocked completely, as in the case of a closed door). This is an exception to the rule that states that a fighter cannot move through any part of a terrain feature.

To move through an archway or a door, first measure the distance in a straight line through the horizontal centre of the archway or door. If the fighter has sufficient movement to pass through the archway or door and be placed on the other side, they can move through it.

When fighters move through archways and doors, all other movement rules must still be followed (for example, they cannot move through another fighter).

In addition, when making a melee attack action, if the attacking fighter is within 1” of a closed door, they may target enemy fighters within 1” of the other side of the door.