Step 1: Check Injuries

Roll a die for each fighter that was taken out of action during the battle. On a roll of 1, the fighter is killed (or badly crippled) and must be retired from the warband roster. On a 2-6, the fighter suffers no lasting effects and may continue as normal.

Heroes and injuries

If a fighter with the Hero keyword was taken out of action in the battle, there is a chance that they will suffer a lasting injury that affects them in later battles. Roll a d66 for each hero and consult the injury table below.

Injury Table

D6 Result
11-13 Dead
Remove this hero from your warband. All the weapons and equipment carried by the fighter are lost.
14-16 Multiple Injuries
Roll twice on the injury table. Re-roll any Dead, Captured and further Multiple Injuries results.
25 Wyrdlung Rot
This fighter may only perform one move action in an activation.
22 Crippled Leg
Subtract 1 from the Move characteristic of the fighter.
23 Fractured Arm
Subtract 1 from the Weapon Skill characteristic of this fighter.
24 Blinded Eye
Subtract 1 from the Ballistic Skill characteristic of this fighter.
21 Festering Wound
Subtract 2 from the Wounds characteristic of this fighter.
26 Nervous Tick
Subtract 1 from the Bravery characteristic of the fighter.
31 Head Injury
The fighter gains the quirk ‣.
32 Madness
The fighter gains the quirk ‣.
33 Claustrophobic
The fighter gains the quirk ‣.
34 Fear of Heights
The fighter gains the quirk ‣.
35 Bottomless Greed
The fighter gains the quirk ‣
36 Hallucinations
The fighter gains the quirk ‣
41-56 Flesh Wound
This fighter suffers no effects.
61 Captured
The warrior regains consciousness and find themselves held captive by the other warband.
62 Sold to the Pits
Remove this fighter from your warband. To get this fighter back you must complete the Pit Fight quest.
63 Vengeful
The fighter gains the trait Hatred, targeted at the enemy fighter that caused the injury.
64 Hardened
The fighter gains the quirk ‣
65 Terrible Scars
The fighter gains the quirk ‣
66 Against All Odds
The fighter gains 1 renown.

Death of your leader

If you roll the Dead result for your leader, you will need to choose a new leader for your warband. If you have any other fighters with the hero keywork, excluding hired swords, you must choose one of these to become your new leader. If you do not have any such fighters, in step 2 of the aftermath sequence (Earn Renown), one of your fighters automatically earn 1 renown and gains the hero keyword (see ‘The Lad’s Got Talent’ below) and the leader keyword.

Step 2: Earn Renown

Make a renown roll for each fighter in your warband that took part in the battle by rolling a dice. If the fighter was not taken out of action in the battle, you can add 1 to the roll. In addition, you can pick 1 fighter in your warband to be marked for greatness (even if they were taken out of action). Make 2 renown rolls for that fighter instead of 1.

On a 6+, the fighter being rolled for earns a level of renown. Check one of the checkboxes on that fighter’s renown track. For every odd checkbox (thin border), the fighter gain a characteristic increase of their choice (see below). For every even checkbox (thick border), the fighter gains a new talent (see chapter X, Talents). A fighter can never have more than 10 renown.

<aside> <img src="/icons/info-alternate_gray.svg" alt="/icons/info-alternate_gray.svg" width="40px" /> The Lad’s Got Talent

Whenever a fighter without the hero keyword earns their first level of renown, they immediately gain the hero keyword and must select a characteristic to increase (see below). This is a good opportunity to give that fighter a proper name. From now on, that fighter rolls on the injury table when taken out of action, may pick equipment exclusive to heroes and be sent on quests.


Characteristic Increase

When a fighter gain a characteristic increase you may pick 1 characteristic from the list below. A fighter’s characteristics cannot be increased beyond their racial limit (see below).